Sunday, 18 September 2011

Pastures new...

I've decided to set up a new blog as I felt this one was a bit shabby, here's a link...

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

A good old kicking from real life...

I'm not normally one who recieves all these pains and injuries, for example I to this day have never broken a bone in my body and never seriously sprained anything. So today was a little bit new for me and has made me become very sympathetic for people who regularly encour these injuries. Today whilst playing tennis in P.E, a sport I pride myself in being able to play quite well at, (in other words I've had lessons) I was up near the net, while playing doubles, and the lads we were playing against hit it over to the left. I knew that if I jumped I'd get a pretty decent backhand smash, so I went for it. All was going well I hit the ball it went over the net, it didn't look like they could make a return, then crash!

I landed on the side of my foot and consequently twisted my ankle. Therefore I've had to limp around for the rest of the day, I can't even get up our stairs at home unless I hop! Obviously my mates had no sympathy for me and then for some reason they can't work out why I was a little annoyed for the remainder of the day.

The lesson I've learnt here is No.1 never rely on your mates to help you and No.2 real life hurts!

Until next time, and perhaps a more railway related blog.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

A Two Sided Coin...

Right I am in a bit of a pickle/dilema, I keep wanting to make stuff for Trainz and it seemed Blender would be a brilliant way to do this, but right now I've had it with the shadow baking, it just isn't working and leaves the mesh with parts that are balck or just doesn't render the outside faces, it's just ridiculous. So this has put me off, it anyone can help me out please feel free to do so.

Anyway so my dilema is stay in Trainz or not. The good things about being in trainz is I have a fair bit of a reputation I have worked up over the last year and it's easy to make content (to a degree) ,but my computer can't handle it currently, I'm getting a bit fed up of Trainz itself and as I've said Blender isn't working for me.

Another nod on this is the fact that my digital artwork is coming along in leaps and bounds, and I'm really enjoying doing digital art. And I'm looking into getting more involved in my model railway, which me and my dad should be able to set up soon. Also RailWorks is getting tons of brilliant content made for it at the moment and is a far superior simulator, so I'm more intrested in that as of late.

So please shout out yor thoughts on my dilema, in other words leave a comment. And make sure you keep checking up on my blog as I've finally decided to get onwith blogging and I'm looking to be a lot more frequent and talk about anything that's related to my life, for example my grumpy mood this morning because No.1 I didn't get my usual morning shower and No.2 I could've had 40 minutes extra sleep had I know our boiler had broke...

Anyway in other news for all us Playstation 3 users, they've turned online back on!

Stay tuned...